Maltkiln New Settlement – North Yorkshire

Maltkiln New Settlement – North Yorkshire

Bowman Riley has undertaken a residential-led masterplan for Caddick Developments to create a sustainable community hub with up to 3000 homes around Maltkiln, between York and Harrogate.

The masterplan strives to provide residents with the comforts of rural living while ensuring easy access to essential urban amenities.  Our design code, which seeks to promote appropriate innovative development within the identified parameters, is a key part of delivering this project’s vision.

We are designing a community heart for the settlement around the Cattal railway station, including a medical centre and pharmacy, community centre, extra care apartments, affordable housing units, bars, restaurants and cafes, a convenience store and offices, a transport hub and a mobility centre. We are focused on creating a sense of community with active frontages to the buildings that interact with the streetscapes, providing well-lit streets and natural surveillance through good design, encouraging people to take pride and ownership in the spaces.

An external market square and outdoor spaces create a high-quality public realm and integrate the buildings into the broader masterplan, as well as the neighbouring settlements and infrastructure beyond the settlement.

Our strategy addresses the risk of flooding by situating sensitive areas away from high-risk zones. Development in flood-prone areas is minimised. Parking, sustainable urban drainage, and commercial spaces are strategically placed, ensuring the best use of land.

It is recognised that access to public transport should be the primary method of travel to promote sustainability. However, meeting all travel demand by these means is not always practicable and the adequacy of road links serving potential development sites therefore remains a key consideration. Planning for future growth around Maltkiln will both allow communities access to a wider range of jobs and facilities and also help to promote and attract new businesses to the area.